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There are two primary ways of getting an abortion:
the abortion pill or a surgical procedure.
Abortion Pill
The abortion pill (mifepristone or misoprostol) is the most common method of abortion.
When would I take the abortion pill?
Medicinal abortion is only effective within a specific time frame. Up to eleven weeks after the first day of your last period is the typical window. Before taking any steps, it is vital to connect with a medical professional who can help determine your pregnancy timeline.
Why would I choose the abortion pill?
The abortion pill is medicine that ends a pregnancy. It’s part of a procedure called a medical abortion. Essentially, a medical abortion is a series of drugs that cause the termination of a pregnancy. Anesthesia isn’t used. Our medical professionals can talk you through exactly what to expect when considering the abortion pill.
Surgical Abortion
Surgical abortion access can vary depending on where you live.
Are there risks?
All medical procedures have some element of risk, but we have medical professionals standing by waiting for your call. They can talk you through your fears and concerns in a confidential judgement free space.
Why would I need a surgical abortion?
Time is one of the most important factors when considering an abortion. Your specific timeline may impact your ability to choose the next steps. Our reproductive healthcare experts can explain all the options and determine the best course of action right from the comfort of your home.
If you have an unplanned pregnancy and considering an abortion, call today.
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